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My name is Zsuzsa  and I am from Hungary. In the Hungarian language Zsuzsa translates to Susan. Zsazsa Gabor was also Hungarian which has a very close pronunciation to my name Zsuzsa.


Since I was a little girl we always had a variety of animals around the house. In the European countryside villages it is very common to have chikens, ducks, turkeys, geese, cows, horses, pigs, and rabbits as well as animals that are part of the family like our dog and cat and hamster and fishes.


I am amazed by the plant life and variety of wildlife we see on a daily basis in our backyard. Armadillos and racoons and the many different birds and all of the colors that they have as well as their offspring and the multitude of sounds that can be heard. 

We have a 1 year old dog, his name is Spats, a cockatiel Link, and an iguana Oscar.


In the last few years I have been taking care of some of my friends pets, while they were on vacation.

Last year I started to work in an animal clinic, where I learned some knowledge about animals with special needs.



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